What is it?
​After each attachment to the pacemaker shield the project must be tested to ensure that it is working properly. This is to avoid early mistakes. Below are following methods for testing the pacemaker shield that was developed.
Early Stage Testing
The early stage testing involves the board, an arduino and a display. The arduino has on LED on it, when the display is attached to the board along with the arduino all is connected to a power source whether it be a computer or usb plugged into an electrical outlet. The LED light would blink and the display will show whatever is programed to be shown.
Speaker and Sound Testing
The speaker is tested by attaching the arduino to a power source through a usb cord. If the speaker works properly it will emit the noice programed into the arduino. If there was a problem with the soldering the speaker may not work or will create different sounds when programmed.
Battery with Arduino Testing
After attaching the battery connector the shield must be tested. If the battery is soldered backwards, or not completly solderd to the board it could lead to an improper connection that could lead to the battery smoking, melting, and/or it could lead a complication in the board itself.
LED Testing
After soldering the various LED lights the shield is tested to make sure that all the proper lights light up the way they are supposed to. The arduino is plugged into the power source This can show if the LEDs are soldered correctly or even if there is a problem with the etchings on the board.